Lawrence Alderson welcomes you to his website

Find here on the following pages an evolving and eclectic mix of current topics and historical records. Life as we know it is under critical threat. Current crises cannot be ignored but decision-makers around the world seem unable or unwilling to recognise the very real danger of impending Armageddon. I hope my latest book may play some part in shaking them out of their apparent stupor.  

Precarious Planet:a Survival Strategy for Earth analyses causes of current crises and possible solutions. I make no apology for the unambiguity of my unflinching style which exposes misinformation where it obstructs the truth. I have not been deterred by rank or reputation even when it might incur the wrath of powerful culprits. The survival strategy is based on my own honest evidence-based experience.  published in 2022 by KDP (Amazon) ) 

In addtion there are my current and historical blogs, details of my books with issues relating to protection of our rural heritage and conservation of biodiversity, all of which have critical significance for our future.

Misinformation pervades almost all the major issues which threaten life on Earth and I seek to set the record straight on those that lie within the compass of my interest and expertise. 


Breeding the Best (ancient White Park cattle have a 10,000-year published mitochondrial provenance but also hold the key to a sustainable future); KDP Amazon 

Anarchy or Establishment (an unauthorised no-holds-barred biography of the pioneer of saving rare breeds); Hayloft Publishing 

The Quest to Conserve Rare Breeds (setting straight the historical record since 1950 with a frighteningly honest look forward to 2050) published in 2020 by CABI publishing (;